If they are not on the same network, you will get a login error. The SSH connection also works when your rig and phone are properly paired and connected over a BT PAN. In order to use these apps, your rig and phone must be on the same internet connection or paired and connected over BT PAN So if your rig is on your home wifi network, your phone must also be logged on to your home wifi network. These apps make it super convenient to login to your rig while on the go running errands, laying in bed on a Saturday morning, or other situations where you may not want to get to a computer to login to the rig. There are many apps that will allow you to use an ssh command to login to your rig wirelessly. You can always re-do a scan by clicking on the little circle arrow in the bottom left of the iNet screen, or the scan button on the top right of NetAnalyzer app. If the rig is connected to your iPhone’s hotspot, the scan will be performed for the mobile hotspot range. Now you have your rig’s IP address.a valuable piece of information. Check the other options (such as papertrail or your home router) to verify whether the rig is actually online with the same network you are scanning. If you still don’t see your rig’s name, it’s possible that the rig is not actually connected to the network being scanned. If you don’t see the name, try using the other app. The app will begin scanning the network that the phone is currently connected to.If using NetAnalyzer app, click on the LAN button on bottom bar and then scan button in top right corner of app. Open the iNet app and click on the big NETWORK SCANNER.

(IP address ranges depend on the type of network being scanned.) Some people have had more success with the NetAnalyzer app over the iNet app, depending on their router settings.

If you have your rig connected via mobile hotspot, then the scan will be for devices in the mobile hotspot range of to So, if you run the scan while your phone is on a wifi network, the scan will be for the wifi network and range will likely be to iNet or NetAnalyzer (lite version.don’t need to pay for this to work) will scan the network that the phone is using for other connected devices and their IP addresses on that same network.