The Vantage ST Seating is very comfortable and adjustable. You also probably recognize the value of lumbar support. If you’ve ever sat in a kayak long enough, you most likely know how valuable a comfortable seat can be. Vantage ST Seat with BOA Lumbar Support:.You simply put the pedals in the reverse position and start pedaling. Especially when you’re heading for some reads that you don’t want to head towards. We found this helpful on various occasions. The 180 in the MirageDrive 180 means that it has the capability of moving forward and backward. The best part was that there was barely a scratch on the fins afterward. We felt this happen a lot when we hit sunken trees and a couple of rocks. They then assume their normal position afterward. The ST Turbo Kick-Up Fins retract when they come into contact with an underwater obstacle. And if you’re worried about bottoming out and breaking the fins, don’t. With a somewhat leisurely pace, we were able to get to where we were going faster than we could have if we were paddling. When pedaling, the fins mimic a rotor and propel the boat.

The pedals don’t move with a rotational arch but instead are pushed straight forward. It’s almost like riding a bike but smoother.

It truly is a beautiful feat of engineering, and Hobie didn’t hold back any expense in its design. The Pro Angler 12 can keep all of that weight in fresh and saltwater lakes, streams, and in the ocean. It has so many features out of the box and it can hold you, plenty of gear, and a lot of fish with its 400lb max capacity. If you’re an avid fisherperson and you want a top of the line kayak, then let me introduce you to Hobie’s Pro Angler 12.